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ON Point

Back to School, Back to Work - Part II

Sometimes the summer schedule is a hodge-podge of alternating PTO plans. It can feel like the bare minimum is getting done with a skeleton crew, and you’re receiving a slew of OOO email responses that seem to stall projects, decisions, and momentum. It’s easy to feel a little disconnected from colleagues and clients as well as from key goals and business objectives. There is not the same sense of urgency during the summer months that exist during the rest of the year.


Trying to pick up where you left off or figuring out how to light a fire under people to get things done, can be a daunting task and definitely requires some finesse. It’s like starting a car outside in the freezing cold – it’s going to need a minute, and a little patience, to warm up. New routines and habits are formed in the summer, and it’s going to take a little time to get fully functioning again.


Follow the ON Point Action Plan to get reconnected, re-engaged, and to help everyone get re-focused and re-energized about the work ahead.

Back to School, Back to Work – Part II

  1. Make It Obvious – if you’ve been out, make sure everyone knows you’re back at work & ready to go; don’t assume they’ve circled your return date on the calendar

  2. Reach Out – proactively reach out to people in your network, current or potential clients & colleagues if you have lost touch over the summer to get reconnected

  3. Schedule Time – regular 1:1s, team meetings or other communication cadences can get disrupted or derailed; time to recommit & get those scheduled

  4. Continue Self-Care – if you got into yoga or added a couple of hours of sleep at night & you felt better & healthier, continue those habits throughout the year

  5. Revisit Goals – brush off the goals (professional & developmental) you set in January to evaluate your progress & to decide if they need to be adjusted

  6. Get Organized – just like kids get new notebooks for school, this is a great time to organize your desk, folders, random papers & calendars

  7. Celebrate Small Wins – in an effort to build energy & momentum after a break, focus on & celebrate the small wins as they grow into bigger successes

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